by Jim Amos


The attached YouTube video clip is a low resolution sequence from the "Nostalgia Super/Stockers Unplugged" video.  Keep in mind the full  min video is in broadcast quality digital video.

#159  DVD

This 87-minute video spotlights the excitement of two Nostalgia Super Stock races.  The first event was held at Beaver Springs Dragway in 2005 and the second was staged at Numidia Dragway in 2009.  You see over fifty-five different cars compete at the two events.  All brands are represented:  Dodge, Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth, American Motors, Pontiac and Mercury.

We call this video "unplugged" and that means there is no narration added to the visual experience.  You will hear the track announcers as they make the call on the public address system and best of all you will hear the sweet sounds of the thundering Nostalgia Super Stockers.  Think of it:  Hemi Mopars, 427 Fords, Max-wedge Chryslers, High winding Ramblers and Big Block Bow Ties.  Hang on for burnouts, wheel stands and gear pounding action, action, action.

The 422 All-star Nostalgia Drag Racing Series hosted the event at Numidia Dragway on May 16, 2009.  Twenty-six cars entered the race and we profile several of the cars/drivers.  Unfortnately rain forced a premature ending of the race but not before we got to see the cars run multiple times down the track.

We have had many requests for a video that features only the sounds of the cars and now we have it.  The only trouble you might have with this video is resisting the urge to go out and build or purchase a Nostalgia Super Stocker and join in the fun.  Watching these cars is just like turning the clock back to the 1960's when the S/S and FXers were setting the drag racing world on fire.

Get your copy today on DVD or VHS.  Our DVD includes 16 Chapter markers so you can quickly navigate to your favorite part of the video.